Our Students - Student Representative Council

The SRC is an opportunity for students to experience leadership at school, and to have an input into the development of the school. Children in each class from grade 6 are elected by their peers for a 12-month term of office.

The SRC meets with the nominated teachers throughout the term. They discuss any items raised by the children of the whole school, as well as perform a range of fundraising and awareness activities for the school and charity.

Look at the things we will be doing this year!

 Creating SRC event posters to display around the school.

  • Organising fundraising events for Birralee and a variety of charities e.g. Free Dress Day.
  • Presenting items at assembly.
  • Writing a SRC newsletter each term to inform the Birralee community of what we are doing.
  • Organising the annual Spellathon in Term 2.
  • Organising our Fun Day Carnival in Term 4 to celebrate a successful year for all students! 

To read all issues of the Birralee SRC Newsletter visit https://birraleesrc.wordpress.com/

 SRC Members

Top row (left to right) - George D, Haran S, Jessie Y, Aarav S

Bottom row (left to right) - Kai R, Beth U, Patrick S, Caleb T